Get the all-in-one solution for your beauty salon
Simplify your appointment booking, customer management, and POS
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What Shore delivers
Shore is the perfect all-in-one digital assistant for your business

"Shore is a giant relief for me, and saves me a ton of time. I would otherwise have to hire someone to take care of all of this stuff."

Build your salon's success on a solid foundation
Customers can schedule an appointment 24/7 no matter where they are
Let your customers book an appointment online quickly and easily, even after business hours.

Shore optimizes your appointment scheduling.
Use Shore's booking button on Instagram, Google, Facebook and your website.
Customers can see every appointment available for immediate booking.
Every appointment is automatically entered into your Shore calendar.
Shore's statistics and reporting feature shows you all your business' key figures. Get better insight into your appointments, how customers make them, what products and services they purchase, etc
Shore saves you all kinds of time. You're going to love how it lets you stay focused on the things that matter.
Keep your salon full with fewer no-shows
Send your customers automatic email or text message appointment reminders.

Shore minimizes expensive no-shows, and maximizes your salon's productivity.
Shore's digital calendar lets you send automatic appointment reminders to your customers.
Email and text message appointment reminders.
Choose the message you want to send, and when.
Automatic appointment reminders let you cut down on annoying down time and keep your business generating revenue. Give your customers one-of-a-kind service that will keep them coming back.
Centrally manage your customer information
Collect your customers' information to give them the very best in service and keep them coming back.

Let Shore simplify and optimize your customer management.
Shore's helpful interface with its appointment booking automatically creates a profile for every new customer.
Keep track of your customers' most important information, what their favorite services and products are, and receive feedback and ratings from them.
Use customer profile information to be ready and waiting for your customers when they walk through the door.
Create different customer groups.
Shore's email marketing feature lets you send e.g. newsletters to specific customer groups.
Your customer history lets you know which services a customer has purchased in the past, what their favorites are, and how much you've earned in sales with each customer.
Shore lets you receive feedback and ratings to make your service even better.
Shore's active, at-a-glance customer management keeps your customers happy and coming back, generates more sales, and makes sure you'll never lose track of everything going on at your salon.
Digital shift plans. Let customers book the team member they want.
Digitalize your shift plan and let customers book the team member they want online.

Shore makes your employee management and shift plan a cinch.
Shore's digital shift planner gets your weekly staff schedule done in just a few clicks.
Enter things like who's on vacation, out sick, at a training course, etc.
The employee profile lets you set which employees get to access what parts of the system, and which ones don't.
Enter team members into the system and the services they do. Your customers can then directly book them online for their next appointment.
Shore's reporting feature lets you track and analyze the performance of each employee. Who gets the most appointments? Who's making the most sales?
Shore is a huge help in optimizing your shift plan and getting the most out of your team's performance.
Make payments simple and in full compliance with all laws and regulations
Make payments easy for your customers, and fully and properly document all important numbers for your accounting.

Shore delivers a reliable, flexible POS system.
You decide which payment methods you want to offer your customers.
The at-a-glance system means all products and services are always at your fingertips.
Intuitive inventory control lets you easily enter and update your products.
Print receipts or send them digitally.
Print gift cards directly on your receipt printer.
Shore's live reporting lets you keep track of all payment activity, what products and services customers purchase the most, what payment method they like the best, etc.
The direct link between Shore's POS and calendar means that appointments can be paid for directly in the calendar. No need for you to manually enter the service into the POS system.
Let Shore's POS simplify your business day. It delivers flexible payments, keeps you in full legal compliance with all laws and regulations, and puts your company on track for maximum success.
Is Shore worth it for me?
Calculate without stress and with just a few clicks how you and your business can benefit from Shore.

Do you want to get to know Shore?
Get in touch with us for your very own consultation with a Shore team member, or get started straightaway!
Your personal consultation
- Check out all Shore product features
- Custom made for your business
- Personalized consultation for you and your team

Free 14-day trial
- No payment information required
- No installation necessary
- Free 14-day trial ends automatically